We are living in a world that is getting darker and darker. But the good thing about the Light of Jesus is that dark it gets the brighter that light is. The more we that are of the light stand out. So Shine your light very bright, so bright that you are proud to shine the light of Jesus! Be proud to shine that light! Boldly shine that light!

Mark 15:43-45


43 Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent council member, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, coming and taking courage, went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. 44 Pilate marveled that He was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him if He had been dead for some time. 45 So when he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.

Gladiator battle

A gladiator battle was a battle until death. They would fight until the other died. One man said, “Stop in the Name of Jesus Christ.” He was then killed by a gladiator. A hush came over the stadium and a man stood up and left and rest departed. People were laughing at first until they realized it wasn’t part of the show. This person was a brave soul. It took courage to do what he did.

This was in 391 BC and never again did they battle for death. It took that one voice to do it!

Cross by Suzie Gallagher
Cross by Suzie Gallagher

About Joseph of Arimathea

  • He was the secret disciple
  • From Arimathea (a City of Judea)
  • Wealthy Man
  • Luke 23:50 (Good & Just)
  • Good and Ready
  • Man integrity
  • Just and Upright
  • Honored Word of God to best Ability
  •  Moral Character
  • Mark 15:43 (Honorable)
  • Powerful Man
  • Respected
  • Good Standing
  • Leader among leaders
  • Man of Faith, manifest daily

Moral Spirituality

We need a moral spirituality to help us to serve the Lord at all times. Religion and good works do not save your soul! The Holy Spirit makes you aware of your sins. The way to salvation is through Jesus Christ. If you believe you are saved. (Biblical Salvation).


Jewish leaders & believers don’t show how he came to know Jesus in the Bible. He always kept he face a secret. (John 19:38). He was afraid of what would happen to him. But later on he did speak up! (Luke 23:51).

Joseph failed publicly to declare his faith. We do not want that in our aspect of life. We cannot be ashamed of Christ! If we are ashamed of Christ, he will be ashamed of us.

We need to stand up! Don’t be afraid!

Fear of others

The fear of others is a trap from satan. It is a way for satan to try to gain victory. Satan likes it when we remain silent and do not speak up. Satan prevents the gospel for spreading. Our fears need to be gone!

We need to be loud and proud!

A powerful testimony is well deserved and out to be declared and shared with others. Openly abrace it!

Joseph’s change

Did you know that Joseph is the one that bought the tomb for Jesus? The death on the cross is what changed Joseph. After the death, Joseph wasn’t afraid anymore. He wasn’t hidden! He took courage and was a silent disciple no more.

When he asked for the body of Jesus, he knew everyone would know he was a disciple of Christ. He knew that Jesus’s body could have been tossed out like trash and didn’t want that to happen to him.

Cross gives courage

Christ died for me and he died for you too. The Cross should give you courage. Courage to go out in a lost and dying world and declare Christ as Savior.

No broken legs

When they crucified they would also break the legs of the person on the cross so they could not push up and exhale. But, when they came to Jesus, He was already dead. Remember it said no bones will be broken. They even pierced his side and water came out. Water coming out indicated he was dead.

Open faith

Joseph declared his faith now openly when he asked for the body of Christ. He openly carried the body to the tomb. He also helped prepare the body too. That took a great amount of courage!

A price to pay

Yes there may be a price to pay for following and declaring Christ. But our greatest reward is in Heaven, not here on Earth.

Joseph could have been expelled, accused of a traitor, crucified, common Jews to turn on him, loss of money, loss of power, loss of prestige, etc. by touching a dead body & not permitted to do so due to the Passover.

Joseph paid a huge price! We must do the same. We are called to give our Lives, our all for Christ. No Greater Love than the one who gives their life for another. Plus if we give our lives for Christ, we gain our lives.

Take up our cross

Take up our Cross. (Matthew 6:24) Live a life and surrender. Deny yourself. Life out of step. People don’t understand you. Gotta be brave! Can’t be silent. Speak up!  Take up that cross and deny your self daily.

What kind of disciple are you?

  • Vocal (not overbearing humble)
  • Bold Testimony
  • Do we hold back?
  • Do you need to be a bolder witness?
  • Maybe you never told anyone about Christ?
  • Take a public stand!
  • Be bold about your witness!

Check out these post of mine

The above blog post of mine will go well with this blog entry here. Plus there are more! Just use the search feature on this blog and you will find more.

Notes from:

  1. Wednesday Night Worship, April 18, 2012, Pastor Bob Neal.
  2. Mark 15:43-45 NKJV
  3. sermonnotebook.org/mark/Mark%2080%20-%20Mark%2015_42-47.htm

I take notes of sermons, Bible studies and such so I can make a blog post on them. I also do some research on it while I type them up in a blog entry. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please also feel free to subscribe to my blog to stay up to date with new entries. 
This blog post was first published May 8, 2013. I am republishing this June 29, 2015.

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